Adding the courses you're currently taking on LinkedIn

When you study with The Health Sciences Academy, you can showcase this with your contacts on LinkedIn!

Click here to edit your profile. What we're going to do is add credentials to your name.

Simply follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Me" icon in the navigation bar at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click View profile.
  3. Click Add profile section under your profile image.
  4. Click the Arrow icon next to Accomplishments.
  5. Next to Courses, click the Add icon.
  6. Complete the prompted fields.
    1. Course Name - Name of the training that you are taking with The Health Sciences Academy.
    2. Number - you can leave this blank (it's not required or useful)
    3. Associated with - choose one of the roles or skills that your training is relevant to (optional as well)
  7. Click on Save.